Full Name
Mutshekwa Londolani
Job Title
Control Environmental Officer
Department of Water Sanitation
Speaker Biography
Ms Mutshekwa Londolani is a dedicated and skilled Environmental Management professional with over 14 years of experience in Integrated Water Resource Management.
Throughout her career, she have amassed extensive expertise in managing water resources, particularly in the context of sustainable environmental practices and regulations. Her knowledge has been further enhanced by numerous certifications from various
reputable institutions, reflecting a commitment to continuous learning and professional development.
She presented at the esteemed Water Institute of Southern Africa ( 2022 Biennial Conference Exhibition, where she discussed Government Notice 704 (GN 704 a regulation under South Africa's National Water Act (Act No 36 of 1998 that imposes restrictions on water usage for mining and related activities This regulation plays a vital role in safeguarding the country’s water resources, and her involvement in the presentation underscored her expertise in water management and regulatory affairs Additionally, she
contributed to the development of the Mine Water Management Policy and provided input on the National Mine Closure Strategy, a tool designed to ensure the sustainable rehabilitation and closure of all mines in South Africa She is also currently responsible for overseeing the operations of the three Acid Mine Drainage Basins ( Central, and Eastern), which were established as part of a short term solution for the Witwatersrand Basin.
With 12 years of experience working within the Department of Water and Sanitation, both in the Provincial and Head Offices, she has consistently demonstrated leadership, strong problem solving abilities, and a deep understanding of water policy and management.
Throughout her career, she have amassed extensive expertise in managing water resources, particularly in the context of sustainable environmental practices and regulations. Her knowledge has been further enhanced by numerous certifications from various
reputable institutions, reflecting a commitment to continuous learning and professional development.
She presented at the esteemed Water Institute of Southern Africa ( 2022 Biennial Conference Exhibition, where she discussed Government Notice 704 (GN 704 a regulation under South Africa's National Water Act (Act No 36 of 1998 that imposes restrictions on water usage for mining and related activities This regulation plays a vital role in safeguarding the country’s water resources, and her involvement in the presentation underscored her expertise in water management and regulatory affairs Additionally, she
contributed to the development of the Mine Water Management Policy and provided input on the National Mine Closure Strategy, a tool designed to ensure the sustainable rehabilitation and closure of all mines in South Africa She is also currently responsible for overseeing the operations of the three Acid Mine Drainage Basins ( Central, and Eastern), which were established as part of a short term solution for the Witwatersrand Basin.
With 12 years of experience working within the Department of Water and Sanitation, both in the Provincial and Head Offices, she has consistently demonstrated leadership, strong problem solving abilities, and a deep understanding of water policy and management.
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